Friday, September 3, 2010

Switzerland Day 2

We crashed hard for a great night of sleep in Zurich.  We woke up early and had a great “Swiss” style breakfast (more like lunch if you ask me. . .breads, meats, cheeses) YUM!  We headed over by the Bahnhof to meet our “Best of Switzerland” tour to Lucerne.  In hindsight this was a fabulous idea for our 2nd day.  We were planning to go to Lucerne anyway and doing all the things they offered for the tour, so why not let THEM drive!   Day 2 bus tour to Lucerne

I think Lisa was already dozing off. . .Day 2 bus tour to Lucerne (2) day 2 bus tour to lucerne (6) Day 2 chapel bridge Lucerne (10)Day 2 chapel bridge in Lucerne (2) Day 2 chapel bridge Lucerne (2)

One of the highlights of Lucerne for sure was The Chapel Bridge.  It’s a must see for Switzerland.  It’s the oldest covered wooden bridge in Europe and was built in 1333, and has paintings along the trusses from the 17th century.  There was a fire in 1993, and most of the painting were destroyed but they were able to save some of them, some the structure is still blackened from the fire damage.  The water tower is the most photographed monument in the country.  It was beautifully covered with flowers on both sides.  Day 2 chapel bridge lucerne (3) Day 2 chapel bridge Lucerne (8)

Day 2 Lucerne (2) Day 2 Lucerne (3) Day 2 chapel bridge Lucerne (12) Day 2 Lucerne

Our next stop was the Lion Monument in Lucerne.  It’s a beautiful and mournful stone monument carved out of the rock.  It commemorates the Swiss Guards that were killed in 1792 during the French Revolution.  It’s beautifully situated right into the rock, as if the Lion is in a den. 

Day 2 Lion monument Day 2 Lion Monument (2) Day 2 Lion Monument Lucerne

After the Lion Monument we headed for a beautiful gondola ride up to Mt. Pilatus.

Day 2 Mt. Pilatus (19)Here’s a peak at the sweatshirts I put together for our trip.  The top arrow says 1886 for the year our ancestors immigrated to America, and 2010 for the year we headed back for our trip!

 Day 2 Mt. Pilatus (2) Day 2 Mt. Pilatus (3) Day 2 Mt. Pilatus (8)

Beautiful Swiss countryside

Day 2 Mt. Pilatus (11)

Well, it was there just a second ago. . .

 Day 2 Mt. Pilatus (13)Heidi holding up the mountain! Day 2 Mt. Pilatus (14)

 Day 2 Mt. Pilatus (16) Day 2 Mt. Pilatus (18) You can see the hiking trails. . .yeah, I’ll take the gondola. 

We had a great lunch at a small restuarant at the top. . .complete with a swiss band!

Day 2  little band at lunch on Mt. Pilatus

For the trip down we were able to take the steepest Cogwheel railway in the world!  (48% gradiant)

 Day 2 Mt. Pilatus cogwheel (2) Day 2 Mt. Pilatus cogwheel (9) Day 2 Mt. Pilatus cogwheel (11) Day 2 Mt. Pilatus cogwheel (14) What’s a cogwheel you say?  Well, here’s a picture of one!  Got it?Day 2 Mt. Pilatus cogwheel (15)

I think I’ve overloaded Windows Live writer so I’ll stop there and come back for Day 2, Part 2!

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